Self- Reliance Essay

              Believe in yourself and never give up, sounds like something Ralph Waldo Emerson would say. Emerson was known as an American Transcendentalist poet, philosopher and essayist during the 19th century. His most famous work would be his essay titled" Self- Reliance." Many people have a different way of interpreting things and I have a different was of interpreting his title and essay.
             The title of his essay may have a different meaning in other peoples perspectives. In my opinion I believe the title means to rely on your own thoughts and not give a damn about what anyone else thinks. For example, if you wake up one day and tell yourself, " I don't care about what anyone thinks about me today," and you end up wearing bright pink jeans, a purple shirt, neon shoes and a blue sweater, good for you and good job for not thinking about what people might say about you. Props and all my respect toward you for not giving a damn about other peoples opinion. Some people also have a different perspective of the thesis but I believe the thesis of this essay is for each and everyone of us to ignore what everyone has to say about us. I also believe that the thesis is saying that each individual should follow their dreams and if they have something to say, to speak up.
         Emerson had a type of tone that in a way persuades people to thrive in life so kinda also motivational tone. His use of diction is great because he makes the whole sentences or paragraph look complex to understand but once you start to analyze the phrase it is the easiest thing ever. For example, " Ne te quaesiveris extra." This phrase (if analyzed) means to not look for things outside of yourself. The way I interpret this is if something is happening around you but it doesn't correspond to you just be the bigger person and walk away. I mean everyone has their way to interpret everything.
          One way that I can use Emerson idea to help me in life is by remembering that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. For example, if one day I'm told that I can't do anything and I slowly start believing that as well, I could just remember that I shouldn't give a damn about how people see me or what they think of me because I am myself and I'm the only person who should be judging myself and that only I should care about my own opinion.
          As you can see, Emerson is the type of person that would tell you to ignore everything such as other peoples opinion on you whether its about what you are wearing or what you look like. Just remember always thrive for success no matter what obstacles are in your way.


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