
Showing posts from March, 2019

Brave New World Chapter 8 Ideas

Bernanrd asks John to explain his life story because he didn’t understand the reservation  Linda sleeps with men who forcefully only have want to have sex and the women are angry because she is sleeping with their husband  The Popé bring her mescal which is a type of tequila  He really hates the Popé because of what Popé thinks about Linda’s relationship  Shakespeare allusion are Macbeth and Hamlet  John felt lonely because his mother was never really there and he was diffrrdnt from others at the reservation because he only knew how to read.  John knee Jesus was on the cross with his arm on the cross and he wanted to feel the same thing  Bernanrd asks John if he wants to go to London  Johns reaction is a happy one after he finds out Bernard and Lenina aren’t married 

BNW chapter 4 notes

lenina went to talk to Bernard about the plan of the New Mexico trip Lift man says to go down to floor eighteen Benito Hoover ——> people said of him that he never could have got through life without ever touching Soma Henry foster “Like vagué torsos of fabulous athletes huge fleshy clouds lolled on the blue air above their heads” They all go to an obstacle golf The various Bureaux of Propaganda and the College of Emotional Engineering we’re housed in a single sixty story building on Fleet street

BNW Chapter 3 Notes

“Strange to think that even in our fords day most games were played woithout is more apparatus then a ball or two and a few sticks and perhaps a built...” But their smile was rather patronizing “Our ford and even for some generations afterwards erotic play between children had been regarding as abnormal Erotic-relating to or tending to arouse sexual desire Trotsky- is an allusion to Russian revolutionary Marxist

Brave new Word

Ford is important to the people in this story because he is like Christ. The alpha children wear grey. The Gamma “stupid” wear green. Bettas don’t work as hard as the alphas

Chapter 2 notes

you can’t learn a science unless you know what  Hypnopaedia- repeating words without connecting with  deeper meaning  Moral education which ought never in any circumstances to be rational 

Brave New World Chapter 1 Notes

People in story being conditioned  • not philosophers but fret-sawyers and stamp collectors compose the back bone of society  • A.F? • the alphas and Betas remained until definitely bottled  • major instruments of social stability  • decanted- poured out  • ingenuos- childlike simplicity  • made them taste the rich blood surrogate on which it fed  • ... out of the realm of the mere slavish imitation of nature into the much more interesting world of human invention  • Nuisance - causes offence, annoyance , trouble or injury