
Showing posts from February, 2019

Chapter 5 & 6 notes

Chapter 5: “ he hadn’t once ceased looking at Daisy, and I think he revalued everything in his house according to the measure of responde it drew her well - loved eyes” Green light at the end of dock ——> symbol that Gatsby might have a second chance to be in love with Daisy Façade- face of a building especially the principal front that looks onto a street or open space Elongating- make longer, especially unusually so in relation to its width Gaudily - extravagantly bright or showy typically so as to be tasteless Chapter 6 Meretricious - apparently attractive but having in reality no value or integrity Turbulent - characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not controlled or calm

Great Gatsby test chapter 1-4

Chapter one:  1. According to Nick who is West Egg different from Eat egg?  2. What did nick find out about Tom when he went to Tom and Daisy’s house ?  Chapter two:  1. When they all went to New York they met two new people( Catherine and Myrtle). When Catherine asked Myrtle why she got married to her husband, what was Myrtles response? ( direct quote from reading)  2. What did Tom Buchanan do to mrs. Wilson? Chapter three:  1. Where does nick get invited to? 2. Who does nick finally meet? Chapter 4:  1. What is Gatsbys name? 2. In the beginning what are some ways to describe Mrs. Baker?


hopepunk means a sense of self- awareness about weaponizing kindness and optimism The author thinks we should know about this because it maybe really important when it comes so a main character like Nick in the Great Gatsby

Great Gatsby Notes 2/3/4

fractiousness- irritable and quarrelsome Nick ends up going to Tom and Daisy’s house to see what their life is like Daisy is irresponsible mom and isn’t mindful of other people Notes 3: Valley of ashes Tom tanked up drinking Tom breaks mrs Wilson’s nose with and open hand( probably a women beater) Chapter 4: 1) the truth that Gatsby tells Nick in this chapter is that he came from a wealthy family that are all dead and that he was “educated at Oxford” 2) the truth that Jordan’s tells nick is O